STEC 1 Armor Resistance Glass Film - S1A# 336 R1 (Clear)
Armor Proof Laminates Specifications: Level 336 STEC R-1
Armor Proof
STEC Laminates – 400+-10um (retail spec)
Thickness: 400 +-10um
Adhesive: on acrylic basis
Adhesive Thickness: 36um
Weight: 700g/sqm
Roll Width: 1.5meter
Roll Length: 30 meter
Color: Crystal clears transparent
Composition: multiple ply PET/adhesive/release liner
Surface: sr hardened (UV-cured)
Adhesion: 100%
Temperature Range: -75 F to +175 F (-24c to + 80c)
Ignitability: B1 according to DIN 40634, hard to ignite
Fire Resistance (100um): 10-29 min (FIRTO)
Detonation Resistance: 70 to/§³
Total Solar Transmission: 87%
Visible Light Transmission: 97%
Color-Fastness: 100%
UV Absorption (300-380 nm): 99%
Influences of Condensed Water: none
Peel strength: 3.2kg/in (1,280g/cm)
Tensile strength: 28k lbs/in sqr (2kg/cm sqr)
Break strength: 400 lbs/in
Elongation at break: 175%
Chemically resistant against:
Hydrogen superoxide, ethanol, sulphuric acid,
mercurochrome, merkhiolate, acetone,
NaOH(10%), toluene, UM AP, naphta,
ammoniac, chlorox