What Is PPE?
Personal protective equipment creates a barrier between the user and outside contaminants and aerosols. The types of PPE used by healthcare workers depends on the situation. Some of the factors that influence PPE selection include splash/spray versus touch and the category of isolation precautions. PPE typically involves gloves, gowns/aprons, goggles, face shields, masks, and respirators. First responders deal with a wide variety of patients with different issues going on. Many of these health issues could be infectious. This is why PPE is great for first responders, as it protects them from infection.
Personal Protective Equipment: Gloves
Gloves are useful for our first responders when caring for their patients. Gloves can be made out of vinyl, latex, or nitrile. First responders will use single-use gloves. These gloves need to be durable; if they get torn or damaged, they can expose the first responder to outside contaminants. When dealing with coronavirus, the hands pose a great threat. If a first responder were to touch their face after coming into contact with coronavirus, they would be exposing themselves to potential infection.
Personal Protective Equipment: Face Protection
PPE that is used to protect the face includes masks, goggles, face shields, and respirators. Masks protect the nose and mouth and should always cover both to prevent fluid penetration. Goggles protect the eyes (glasses do not count as goggles). Many goggles have anti-fog features to maintain clarity. Face shields are useful for protecting the face, nose, mouth, and eyes. A respirator can cover half of the face or the entire face. Respirators protect the user from inhaling infectious aerosols. Aerosols are tiny particles (or droplets) in the air that can be inhaled.
First responders often have their faces close to patients as they help them, meaning that anything could happen. With their faces protected, they can avoid infectious aerosols. COVID-19 is spread through aerosols, meaning this PPE is completely vital for first responders. If a patient were to spit, cough, or sneeze on a first responder wearing PPE, the first responder would be safe from coronavirus. First responders may also wear gowns, aprons, or suits to protect their clothes and bodies from exposure to infection.
High-Quality Personal Protective Equipment With Security Pro USA
Amid a time where PPE is in short supply, Security Pro USA offers a wide selection of COVID-19 PPE that is in stock. For our first responders and other customers, we offer bulk boxes of Medical Face Masks, Protective Medical Goggles, Face Shields, and 3-Ply Antibacterial Cloth Face Masks. All of these products can be shipped straight to you. For more information, reach us at (800) 264-8273. During a time where we need our first responders to be safe more than ever before, Security Pro USA is here to offer assistance.