Special Forces Helmet | ARCH Ballistic Level IIIA Helmet

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Special Operations Ballistic Helmet

NIJ Level IIIA Protection Kevlar Helmet

Uncompromising Protection at affordable prices, High Quality  NIJ level IIIA Certified Special Forces Helmet

SecPro Accessory Rail Combat Helmet (ARCH) is an advanced ballistic helmet that was designed to meet the modern realities of the battlefield. It uses advanced ballistic technology to combine superb performance to weight characteristics, full special ops coverage with enhanced awareness due to the reduced profile and higher cut. The Sec Pro Accessory Rail Combat Helmet (ARCH) is a new way forward for the special forces community.

Special Forces Helmet Features

  • Increased area of coverage over the ears and back of the helmet
  • Ergonomic and stable platform
  • Standard MICH/ACH Pads and Suspension Fixed side rails for mounting accessories
  • Front Wilcox NVG mounting shroud
  • Level IIIA Helmet Protection NIJ 0101.06
  • Fragmentation protection US MIL STD 662F V50 at 2150 ft/sec.
  • Available upgrades: Velcro on top, Boltless design, & Team Wendy Cam-Fit retention


***Please note that due to export regulations we cannot ship the Special Operations Ballistic Helmet outside of the country. For export inquiries on our bulletproof helmets please request a quote.***

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