Mistral MIS 0632 Test Paper Pad (Pack of 10) - Mistralmistral ,silynx ,blast containment ,police drug test kits false positive ,ausa global force 2018 ,field testing kit ,field drug test kits ,bath salts drug test kit ,bomb containment chamber ,count

Mistral MIS 0632 Test Paper Pad (Pack of 10)

Regular price $34.99
Regular price Sale price $34.99

Why Choose SecurityPro USA?

Mistral Aerosol Test Papers

The Mistral MSI-632 Test Paper Pad was designed to work with the Mistral forensic aerosol drug tests and pen tests. Designed for ease-of-use, the operators collect a sample with the test paper spray the paper and then check the test for results.

Mistral MIS Test Paper Pad Features

  • Designed to work with all of Mistral's pen tests and detection aerosol tests.
  • Pack of 10 papers.
  • Dispenser not included.

**Please contact our sales department or request a quote for bulk pricing on Mistral Aerosol Test Papers and Forensic Tests.***