Inert Replica Ordnance Collection

Regular price $70,764.80
Regular price Sale price $70,764.80

Inert Replica Ordnance Collection

  • A set of replica ordnance with over 150 inert training aids including grenades, land mines, artillery projectiles, rockets, and fuzes
  • Highly realistic devices designed for durability and suitable for both classroom and field training exercises

​Includes one each of the following inert replicas:

107mm Rocket Iraqi  VS-1.6 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
107mm Rocket Chinese VS-50 AP Mine
160mm Mortar Russian TS-50 AP Mine
160mm Mortar Chinese AVPS-50 AP Mine
122mm Chemical Rocket Warhead VSAR-50 AP Mine
40mm Grenade VS-MK2 AP Mine
60mm Mortar YM-1 AP Mine
60mm Mortar Chinese YM-1B AP Mine
81mm Mortar Smoke Round P4-MK1/PS-MK2 AP Mine
81mm Mortar WP PMA-2 AP Mine
81mm Mortar HE PMA-3 AP Mine
81mm Mortar Illumination PROM-1 Yugo AP Mine
82mm Mortar Chinese PMR-U AP Mine
82mm Mortar Russian PMR-2 AP Mine
120mm Russian Mortar PMR-3 AP Mine
120mm Chinese Mortar PMR-4 AP Mine
84mm HEAT Round POMZ Russian Stake Mine
84mm Illumination Round POMZ-2 Stake Mine
100mm Russian OF-412 H.E. POMZ-2M Stake Mine
100mm Iraqi UO 415 TYPE 59 Chinese Stake Mine
100mm Yugo m63p1 Czech PP Mi Sb Stake Mine
105mm M1 TNT PMD-6 AP Box Mine
105mm M60A2 WP North Korean AP Box Mine
105mm M546T TMD-B Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
105mm M84A1 TM-57 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
105mm HE VTMA-3 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
120mm HEAT VTMA-4 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
122mm USSR No. 4-A Blast Mine
122mm USSR OF-462 PMN AP Mine
122mm USSR C-463 Illumination PMN-2 AP Mine
122mm Czech WP Smoke Type 72 Chinese AP Mine
122mm Yugo M31/37 Czech PP Mi Na1 AP Mine
122mm USSR D462 WP Smoke V-69 AP Mine

125mm OF-19

No. 69 MK1
130mm USSR M-16 Bounding Mine
130mm Chinese S-MINE Bounding Mine
152mm IRAQI NO-MZ 2B Vietnamese AP Mine
152mm Chinese  OZM72 AP Mine
152mm Soviet OZM-4 AP Mine
155mm M107 HE OZM-3 AP Mine
155mm WP M105 PP-Mi-Sr Czech AP Mine
155mm Middle Eastern  TM-46 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine
155mm Chemical ADAM AP Scatter Mine
155mm HE BLU 43/B Scatter Mine
155mm South African M1A1 HE MPM Soviet Mine Type 158
155mm IRAQI SPM Limpet Mine
155mm Illumination British Clam Mine
155mm WP Smoke M-32 Submunition
155mm / 105mm MT Fuze BLU-26 Submunition
M69 Practice Grenade M-42 Submunition
M67 Frag Grenade (No Holes) Rockeye Submunition
Iraqi Frag Grenade OKT-8 USSR Submunition
F-1 Frag Grenade PFM-1 Submunition
RGD-5 Frag Grenade  30mm Bullet
RG-42 Frag Grenade 25mm Bullet
RKG-3 Frag Grenade 20mm Bullet
(5x) M-18 Smoke Grenade 14.5mm Bullet
AN-M8 Grenade 12.7mm Bullet
M34 WP Smoke Grenade Russian MRV-U Fuze
M83 Smoke Grenade Chinese MP1 Fuze
AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade Chinese MM-6 Fuze
INCEN TH Grenade Russian GK Fuze
MK3A2 Grenade Russian M-12 Fuze
M84 Flash Bang Grenade Chinese MJ-1 Fuze
MK2 Frag Grenade Chinese M-6 Fuze
M-26 Frag Grenade WTU-1/B 2.75 HYDRA Rocket
M25A2 CS Grenade PG-7V Rocket (w/ Cap)
CS ABC M7A2 Grenade PG-7T Rocket (w/ Cap)
CS2 Grenade PG-7M Rocket (w/ Cap)
PG-7L Rocket (w/ Cap)
Chinese 77-1 Grenade GHEF-7MA Rocket (w/ Cap)
German Stick Grenade GHEF-7LDMA Rocket (w/ Cap)
40mm VOG-25 Grenade  GTB-7S Rocket (w/ Cap)
40mm HELLHOUND Grenade OG-7E Rocket (w/ Cap)
40mm DRACO Grenade OFG-7 Rocket (w/ Cap)
TM-62 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine PG-2 Rocket
TM62P3 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine 57mm S-5K Rocket
TM-62D Box Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine 57mm S-5M Rocket
TC/6 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine OG-7 Rocket (w/ Cap)
VS-2.2 Anti-Tank / Anti-Vehicle Landmine

PG-9 Rocket (w/ Booster)


*This item requires a license to ship internationally (outside of the United States of America). Documentation and additional fees may apply. Contact us for any questions you may have.

EXPORT NOTICE: This is an item controlled for export by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). These controls take the form of export regulations and license requirements.

As part of the express consideration provided for receipt of Inert Products LLC’s goods, technical data and/or services, you, our customer, acknowledge that the export, re-export or other transfer, directly or indirectly, of the goods, technical data and/or services provided by Inert Products LLC in violation of U.S. law is prohibited. Customers acquiring ITAR goods, technical data and/or services from Inert Products LLC shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary government authorization required to ensure compliance with applicable import laws.

It is the customer's responsibility to be aware of and abide by all applicable local laws. Please contact your local authorities and or government before attempting to import any of these products.

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